Volunteer opportunities outside PEOI

The following websites have helped PEOI in volunteer recruitment. They have volunteer opportunities that are likely to be of interest to anyone who visits PEOI. Please contact them if you are interested.

Online Volunteering service
United Nations Volunteers
Bonn, Germany
E-mail: info@onlinevolunteering.org

E-mail: support@volunteermatch.org.

WUSC - CECI (UNITERRA Programme): We are recruiting!

The Uniterra program provides numerous opportunities for Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada to volunteer abroad in their field of experience. We work with local partners in 13 countries in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Uniterra's objective is to support development initiatives that address world poverty. Volunteers share their experiences with their community, encourage international solidarity, and help shape policies towards meeting the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Visit our website for more information: www.uniterra.ca (section- Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer / Current Positions).
Visit our link for a current list of opportunities: http://agora.ceci.ca/postesVacants_en.html

Website: www.uniterra.ca
Email: info@uniterra.ca

E-mail: support@beTobe.org.


To ask questions, and to offer your comments, criticism or suggestion, please mailto:peoi@peoi.org .